This is NOT a physical product. You will receive a link to Corjl to edit your Save The Date after purchase. If you wish to receive physical save the dates, please order those here. Or, if you're looking for a printable save the date you can do yourself, find those here.
View a demo of this digital save the date:
The perfect solution for couples who:
- are under a time crunch and wish to get a save the date out NOW!
- Want to be cost effective for Save the Dates and spend a little more on Formal Invitations
- Like the idea of the travel-style idea but don't want to send out a paper Save the Date
View the entire Classic White Rose Suite here:Â Classic White Rose Collection
1. Try the demo free in Corjl
Demo link in product description! You can play around and see exactly what can be edited. Edit in your desktop/laptop computer with Phones & Tablets are limited to just text and position edits, saves, and download.
2. Purchase this template
You will receive instructions immediately after checkout! Check your e-mail to access your purchased template(s).
3. Make your edits & save
Edit wording, update with your information, reposition and change fonts if you wish. Add/remove text blocks and replace images. It's all customizable!
4. Download & print
Save your download. Print it at home (instructions included) or take it to any printing shop.